Tuesday, 8 February 2011

"El gegant del pi" song

Hi year 6,
We have recorded a new song for you to learn. Click on the tittle underneath and you could listen to us singing it.

EL GEGANT DEL PI                      TRANSLATION

El gegant del pi                      The Giant of the Pine
ara balla, ara balla,                 now is dancing (2)
El gegant del pi,                     The Giant of the Pine
ara balla pel camí.                  now is dancing in the track.

El gegant de la ciutat              The Giant of the City
ara balla, ara balla,                 now is dancing (2)
el gegant de la ciutat              The Giant of the City
ara balla pels terrats.              now is dancing through the flat roofs.

El gegant de Montornès,          The Giant of Montornès
ara balla, ara balla,                 now is dancing (2)
El gegant de Montornès,          The Giant of Montornès
ara balla pels carrers.              now is dancing down the streets.

Giants are very popular in town and villages celebrations all around Catalonia. They walk through the streets dancing to music.
In Montornès we have 2 main giants called: Pere Anton (a knight) and Bartomeu (a farmer). They perform a dance based on a battle that happened in our town centuries ago .

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